Town of Riverview / Discount & Dine

Are you a local business interested in sharing your product or service with thousands of event goers, business executives and visitors that pass through the area on an annual basis? Known for hosting some of the best-in-class festivals, conferences and cultural events, Greater Moncton welcomes visitors from around the world each year to its doorstep. Join the Town of Riverview’s Discount & Dine program by offering a special discount that can be redeemed locally.

Whether you’re a local dining establishment, retailer, or service provider that has something to offer visitors during their stay, grow your business by joining the Town of Riverview’s voucher program.
Join the list here

Each year the Town of Riverview is asked to sponsor numerous events happening in local and surrounding areas. Based on the event program, opportunity for exposure and audience demographics the Town of Riverview may choose to support events that would be strategically advantageous and that are in-line with our core values.

For further information or to run an idea by our staff, please contact Economic Development

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