Town of Riverview / News / Take our survey for a chance to WIN →

Take our survey for a chance to WIN →

Thanks to you, our 2019 Business Brilliance Contest was a success! 


Want to help make future Riverview promotions even better?


Take our short survey. As a way of saying 'Thanks' for providing your feedback, you'll be entered for a chance to WIN* $100 in local gift cards.


There are two surveys, one for businesses and one for residents, just make sure you pick the right one so your feedback will be as accurate as possible. 


Thanks again and good luck!


Are you a Riverview business owner? Take this short survey https://forms.gle/ze4zE1HtcjQFvkPC8


Are you a resident of Riverview? Take this short survey https://forms.gle/P6sdn5AtWYcm2opU8

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