Riverview Arts Centre
400 Whitepine Rd.
New Brunswick
A Fervent Pull: Film Screening

Film Synopsis: Celebrate the stories of three extraordinary Albert County residents whose unwavering commitment to a passion has defined their lives. Experience the adrenaline of Melvin Perez, as he boldly surfs the mighty Petitcodiac River, lose yourself in the visual poetry of Hillsborough’s internationally recognized photographer Danica Sherry, and walk alongside Riverview icon Rodney Steeves as he continues to tend laboriously to the majestic Dobson hiking trail.
About the Film Maker: Colleen Furlotte is an award-winning indie filmmaker who calls Riverview, New Brunswick home. Guided by her belief that honesty is the heart of impactful storytelling, she works ‘out-of-the-box’ using an unscripted, organic approach to her documentary filmmaking. Colleen has been recognized by the Moncton YWCA as a Woman of Distinction for her contribution to arts and culture. She is currently working on her third television documentary series.
Join the cast and film maker for Riverview’s first screening at the beautiful Riverview Arts Centre! Bar service will be available in the lobby. Random Winter Carnival swag draw prizes for attendees.
Tickets are “Pay What You Can” (minimum $10), with all proceeds benefiting the Albert County Food Bank.
Storm Plan: Check riverviewartscentre.ca for updates