Public Hearing Notice
(RIVERVIEW, N.B.) – The Town of Riverview wishes to advise residents that a public hearing is being held on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers for Riverview Town Council to consider amendments to the zoning by-law. Property owners within 100 metres of the area are sent a letter to be informed of these details, however, due to the current service disruption with Canada Post, letters may not be received in advance of the hearing.
The purpose of the proposed amendments (300-7-18 Stonehouse & Danbury) is to rezone a portion of the property bearing PID 05117688 from R1 – Single Dwelling to RM – Residential Mix in order to permit the construction of 72 semi-detached dwellings.
Written objections will be accepted until 11 a.m. on the day of the hearing, and may be addressed to the Town Clerk, 30 Honour House Court, Riverview, NB, E1B 3Y9 or by e-mail to clerk@townofriverview.ca
The full public hearing notice may be read on our website.